Artist Bio:
Vanessa lives in Daylesford, having made the ‘tree change’ from Melbourne. She hales from the foothills of the Himalayas in India, where she was born, studied and lived for 25 yrs. She studied art at School and never had the opportunity to indulge in it until now.
She paints from her observations of nature, life and living. She loves letting the paint and ideas run freely together to create ‘something’!
She is a Librarian and singer / songwriter by profession, and joined the MAGNet (Moorabool Artist Group Network) under the auspices of Wombat Art Group to further her interest in art.More recently she displays her art with the Daylesford Arts Collective and the Ballan Arts Space Groups and in various art shows.
As an artist she is part of MAGNet (Moorabool Arts Group Network) under the auspices of Wombat Art Group. She is also a member of the Ballan and District Arts Collective and also a part of DRAC – Daylesford Regional Arts Corporative and looking forward to more creativity with these art groups.
Here it ishttps://www.acousticsessions.com.au/art-shop/
As a photographer she specialises in flora, fauna and landscape including special bird photographs.
Here it is:
Framed Photographs